Please fill out the form below and select the type of inspection Helping People Have Resilient Homes We Inspect, Design, Construct, and Manage Properties Name* First Last Address Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Email* Address of Project/Subject Property: Street, Hamlet, Village/Town*Address of Project/Subject Property: Street, Hamlet, Village/Town Street Address Hamlet Village/Town ZIP Code *Disclaimer- New York State Addresses OnlyAdditional Comments/IssuesBest Time to Contact : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Pre-purchase Home inspection (Standard)– {Pre-purchase inspection – Standard Package includes thorough inspection by NYS Licensed P.E. of all the building systems and building envelopes.} Pre-Purchase Home Inspection (Deluxe)– {Pre-purchase inspection – Deluxe Package including all items from the Standard Package plus review of Building Department records, as well analysis of potential enlargement and redevelopment.} Structural inspection, including framing, foundation, retaining walls, excessive deflections, and other structural review. Issue specific inspection, including response to a violation and/or environmental and waterproofing issues. Environmental & civil, including Suffolk County Health Dept, NYS DEC, US Army of Corps of Engineers and other governmental agency inspections. Construction dispute resolution assistance. Special inspections such as soil, welding. Construction progress inspection and quality monitoring inspection. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.